The latest in Pediatric Lithotomy Positioning

What is the PediStirrup
The solution for pediatric laparoscopy and other pediatric procedures requiring lithotomy positioning, especially where intra-operative re-positioning may be required.
PediStirrup represents the exclusive device designed for safe and flexible lithotomy positioning of babies (starting with newborn) and children with body lengths up to 1.40 meters.
Product impression
P.M.A. Broens MD PhD (pediatric surgeon) invented the PediStirrup at the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG) (NL). Together with IMDS (Interventional Medical Device Solutions) (NL) the PediStirrup has been developed to its present form. The PediStirrup has been thoroughly tested by the Pediatric Surgical Department of the UMCG.
Latest News
In May 2020 Opitek International (DK) acquired all rights (manufacturing and worldwide sales) for the PediStirrup from IMDS.